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Alice Cooper tribute trike
[owned by webmaster]
All US Trike kits and trike conversions are made in the USA using only American made materials.
We don't cut costs by using imported mass produced components like other trike companies do.
You get what you pay for and that 'cheap trike kit' will cost you more in the long run.
That's why we guarantee our trike components for the life of the original owner.
Nobody else dares to do that.
Ask yourself why.
Every US Trike converion includes electric reverse.
As a trike owner, you will need it so don't get caught without it.
You can buy the cheaper trike kits but that's what you will get.
We are not a big corporation churning out mass produced trikes.
US Trikes treats every customer like they're our only customer.
From start to finish, you get personal service that nobody else can match.
Service, support, safety and superior quality; everything you want and need in your trike.
We won't ever cut corners to make a quick profit.